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Black Porn Homo Pics Featuring Hot...

Writer: pilliatrijiztecanopilliatrijiztecano

FTEE WASHINGTON TIMES TI IES THTKSDAY TmR DAY DEOEOTEE DF EIIIiFIt 18 190 7PERSONAL MENTION AND SOCIETY JOTTINGS JOTTINGSi JOTTINGSAFFAIRS JOTTINGSA JOTTINGSAFFAIRS iA AFFAIRS FAIRS IN VV WASHINGTON I ASHINGTO V AND OTHER CITIESFirst first State tats Dinner a aizer of o the Season easou at atz White WhiteHouse JlIhzieJloztsd l tineHouse z G GLadies SB This ZZ ZZsS sS Evening EV Et1e9a 1tz1Zg Z9Z = Receptions Rece ecetZ09ZS tl01tS by the theLadies theLad t ZeLadies Lad ls of o the t to Cabinet Cab a zizct zetThe White House HouseThe HouleThe HouseTheThe brat pate dtaaor will ill take place toatght It is i given la inhonor lah0nor lahonorhonor ot the CaMaot ClaW to t meet whom Mir Mirc Iftyoth1 tttyotherother c bor guests have been invited invitedAmong layttedA invitedAmongAmong A mong the RtMflU iII who will b b4t present presentatat th the he dtaoer toaigal toa are Mr and Mrs MrsI1nuy Mr MrH Xt8rnryH I1nuy rnry nry Clay Frtck of PKtaburg ptttabar who WMT181t1n are arevsslting r rvisitingvisiting T181t1n at the White House Tomorrow TomorrowMr Tomorrowr Tomorrowi1rMr r and Mrs b Frisk will go to the boon boonof boIDeor born bornofof the th Attorney General and Mn Ua Knox KnoxThere Xoxyh KnoxhereThere yh here they tb will remain Ift over Sunday SundayAmong SUDdayAmong SundayAmongAmong the President Pr aldents caller call yester yesterday 7esterdy yesterday day afternoon was Louis Michel editor editorof editororof the th DfttUMft Dft ICIt AwerJkaner uertka er of Balti Baltimore Baltimore Baldmnre more with whom tbe Us President chatted chattedfor ebattedfor chattedforfor some Uane Uat In German OerwanAmon nun nunAmoRe j jPrAmon AmoRe the t e Diplomats DiplomatsPrPr ron Holleben liol ta the O German OrlDlUlrodor rman ambas ambassador ambassador sador who Is n in New w York will return returnto returato ret1U ret1Utoto the embassy December DftemtwrCount M MCountess 30CountessCountess Count wee Qoadt wife or tb tM aec aecrctary 118Irttary aoeretaryrctary or UM German 0er1 aD embassy 1 will sail sailfrom aUfrom ssUfromfrom Genoa Oea January J 6 for New YorkMajor York YorkMajor YorkMaIoIMajor roa > Ktaol the mlUtary HtAryaUaeW HtAryaUaeWlr attache attacheofof C lr the German embassy ea uq will sail n for forthis forthii forthisthis country untrr January JU8aC L i The DeW oval aavalattache ovalaftache navalattacheattache Captain Bcbaefer has already alreadyid alreadyhailed6 hailed lltd and Ii expected at tJte Ut embey embeyis It Itfid f a few Hays HaysVictor Ia7aItor laysVictorVictor Itor AyjMespenwe of Uw th French Frenchembassy Fr Frrro aoh aohembassyembassy rro all sailed f from row Krw kow York today todaT911 todaT911tlp es estl ont1ntl tlp La Touraine TouraI for a three 111 months JDOBU va vacation vacll1on yecation cationCabinet Receptions ReceptionsMrsMrs lr8 Hay Mrs Shaw Mrs Knox Xal Mrs MrsPayne 111 111I MrsPayneI Payne ynf and Miss xs Wilson ratotvod laSerma11y laSer Informally lalormally mally yesterday afternoon attsraoonDinners a afternoonDinners enMHln enMHlnDinnersDinners DinnersThe DinnersThe DinnersThtThe > > Secretary etar eT State Ma ad 8tI Mrs 11 Hayhave Hay Hayhave HlJawhave Jaw sent out tarrttaUoas a tor a dinner dinnerTuesday 4tDDeru dinnerTvPSdeyTuesday u > lIday Psssmbsr M to nrmt Met t tlwlr tlwlrdaughter t1Mtldaughtr tbdrdaughterdaughter and her auabaad Mr Ji and Mrs MrsJames MrsJames Ira IraJamtsJames W Wadaworth Jr firThe JrThe jrThThe Th Russian R ambassador and ad Cooattvs CooattvsMatguerH Cl ClMrltguerH CseatenMirguerltFCetssinlMirguerltFCetssinl MatguerH > > Oaaeinl gave a dinner mat 1Utticht listr matrichtricht r i 4 ht In hoir honor fto orot of Bishop DI op Ttkbon of the thefirffk tMrrffk thetrenkfirffk Church Their Thelrta guests were the theliusRlan litenU tieItusslannU liusRlan lIlan consul general 1 of New York Mr MrLa XILadyJen MrLadyjenakyLadyjenaky LadyJen La Hansen Mr Rogestvenaky Baron For ForEU lIerErD FerErnEU Mr Rontkowsky RoutkoW 7 and LIetI4uat LleetenantC L LIetI4uatlonel ttt nl nlColonelColonel C lonel Raspowpow RaapowpowThn RaspowpowThTh Thn Aastotant Postmaster General and andMrs aadMrs andMrsMrs Wynne entertained at winner last lasteight la lanight lastnightnight In honor of the Postmaster Gen Geuerat General a aral eral ral and Mrs Payne Their guests CUM wen wenF Werfnator wereSenatorF Senator nator O H Platt Assistant Secretary Secretaryofof the Nary and ad Mrs Darling Assistant AssistantSecretary AssistantSecretary taat taatScretarySecretary of Bute lint David Jayae Jar + se e Hill HillRcprewtttatlvtfaad JUnRfrleib HillRepretuewtWttlRcprewtttatlvtfaad Rfrleib RepretuewtWttl ltf Representative R and Mrs J R Mann MannMiss MuDMIllS MoanMissMiss Louise Lou Jones Joae Miss X SteTwas walt and andCapt aadCapt andCaptCapt Robert F Wynne WynneColonel W7a W7aColon WynneColonelColonel Colon INngbam Bln bam enterUined at a stag stagdinner stagdinner 10 10dinnlrdinner last night nltl t His guests were the theSecretary tlteScretary theSecretarySecretary of the Nary Mr II Moody lood Jus Justicp JustiN JusticPticp Peckham John W Foster lMt Mr Saa Saagor Baagrr Saagergor Assistant II8I aDt Secretary o of War Mr MrRichards MrRichards lr lrRlrbarRichards Rlrbar e Solicitor General Repriwectr Repriwectrtiv hpctlHatiT RepcesentativetiT tive Hltt Roprsaaatattvo McClaliaa McClaliaaRepresentative XeCIeI XeCIeInepr a aRepreaeatatheRepresentative nepr eatatt Olmeted 0 General Otlksple 011 011Icspie OttIcspleIcspie Mr Wadewerth W worUi and Mr SpaM SpaMIng Spalding 14 14fDgIngMr Mr and andlfrp 1Id Mrs W S M Curtis gave a din dinner aianr titanrnr last itfs g L Their guests g w were ra the theIeruvian tHlrUTi theIeruvlanIeruvian lrUTi minister and Mme IBM Calderoa Calderoanator Calderoafnator CalderonSS fnator nator and Mrs Fairbanks XI and andMrs aDdMrs andMrsMrs Frederick C Co Stevens St former Seam Senator Ie Ietor Seamtor tor and Mrs fn J B Henderson HendersonMrs IleaderaonMrsMrs r Slater gave a dinner of twenty twentyfivers tntycrvnr twentyervcrsfivers last night gilt in honor el the Italian Italianambassador ltallaaamba Italianambasaaderambassador amba aader and Signora ra Mayer dec 4 Ii Man PlanChs Manrhf PIaathrBthrB rhf s Amonc Agee her guests wore Senator Senatornijl Senatorand tor tora1and Mrs Depow and aJa4i General Draper Draperf Dnaperirmrf irmr rarer ambassador 1Ior to t Italy and Mrs MrsJiraper MrsDraper ra raIDraperMr Draper JiraperMr I aper aperMrMr and Mrs Mr Charles C Glover will miltrtaln en entTtaln est4tTtaln t4 rtala at dinner tn tnMra tonight toAlglttLu tonightLllscheeuLu Lllscheeu LllscheeuMrs bo8INI bo8INITSMrs TS William SaoOold Cowlos Cow ester oaiartained estertamed w wtalnedtamed at hjachooa yr yrin yesterday 1 Bflef aftofyes aftofyesinin honor of 0 too Countess eoat Zuapllla Zuaplllaar Za plnlS la lazarzar arMiss MI Rottth gave P a luacbooa yesterday yoatsrdayafternoon yesterdayaftcrnooa ertiaT ertiaTattfrnooaafternoon la a boaar of Mine x xiounlt MIsabtk MIsabtkloung I111asbethioungloung daughter cIa of Oem 0 8 M B Yoaag YoaagHrr Y Yee YeeHerHer guests woso Miss It MeLaaabaa Mms MmsCrosby Ml Mlroeby QIIIJ QIIIJroCrosby ro roeby by Miss Ml Posttothwatte Miss X lM Spel Speland U Uand Jnndand Mrs In Arthur Addison AddlaoaMrs AddisonMrs 11 11rsMrs rs Shjsaard a wife wIt of Judge J Wit WitIart lie 8aaiar4 liehardhard Iart of tie Dlatrtet Court oaUrtaiaed oaUrtaiaedt 4IIIt at t lunc lunccaughter luncheon 7 yesterday Ia bosom of r rlaughter her hercaughtercaughter Wadatafft WadatafftMi wedtilup31iesMi 31ies f i AS Louise Loa LeVaugn LeVa LeYan k Parker Pa and Rep Ropr Reprr Rmprrrr r nfatlve ntaU o Hdmond Spencer Blackburn Blackburnv BiaOkimrnwrVi wr v r married today at noon at the UMh ti boo boothe home homecc the h brides bride parent In Vermont Aye Ayerr r TIM ceremony wns performed by byf II IIt bytrtr f V Hey Dr Pierce of All Souls 111 Church ChurchBlackburn Cb1h Cb1hlUa3 = > Blackburn lUa kbara and his bride stood la thet the thewindow tIMtt window wMeh w wtsI was lined withfern with withII tihair fern and Jllldlu mllax aDder aDderr a ar arr r tinge r f one bell of pink ak bleaaems The Thetr nek Ticettr t z a gi porn > wn was of white witt crops er de def denf f n > richly trimmed in i Dughsos Debe a and andIrjh andIuIu Irjh Jh h potof lace Her 11 f L 1 k front I h 1Mr r face Her flowers were wereM w w1ld weretM 1ld t ids l lilies 1l1 of the valley ter ter1kT Miss MissIikTs MissII IikTs k is + ili 11 attendant at was her little littlerB r Ruiii R Rr who > > wore a pretty pcU frock frockcf Creckc freshtfcf c r white w b Hf muslin 11 with a green pent sash Site Sitec nibsuu t c 3 also e 150 ring bearer and carried therl0c the thertn tMrh1trh1t rl0c rtn held in place p by II a marriage hell hellca 1 1D j jenen D a white satin Ntl cushion neItJoalrlr cushionMrM I IMrsMrs lrlr Parkers toilet was af bleak Maekda ItIaek0da d r ns woe lu over 0 white taffeta liar liarrmf I Intlnpm Herimrntnntlnpm imrntn rmf > nts were alamonda The house ItcN8eJJ a 7 i IUtj astdfeiy tfJy U ieoncnted Very V fewra few fewr Ie Ierr ra II w Rv r h w wa v iit 1I i Lsr f 5r and ETSI a Pll rt Mits 11 Paritr Paj r ut the daughter of MyronM d Parker former fer Comminstoner Cetnnd dower of the theDwtrwt theDistrictDistrict of Columbia Her husband JSA Ildmead JSAmond INImead Spencer I Blackburn represents the theKtghth theJhpth theIttghtbKtghth Congress district of 0 North Cant Carolina CantUa Careline line and 1 la one of the Lb two Republican Republicanmembers Itpubllcanmem Republicanmembersmembers mem from that State Stat The Lily LilyWhite LIlTAblte LilyWhiteWhite agitation tatloa which excluded excltt ed negroes negroesfrom DtpONfrom negruesfromfrom participating partlclpatl la I the t late election electionIsIs responsible for Mr Blackburns Blaekburareat de defeat defeat feat for reelection Mr and Mrs Irs Bieckburn Black Blackburn Blackbarn burn will live in North Carolina CarolinaThe CaroUDTIle CarolinaTheThe marriage rrtap of Miss x Harriet Bllen BllenWheeler Jell JellWlMfler BilenWheelerWheeler and aJMIRalph Ralph Netting was celebrated cele celebrated celebrated brated brated at St Marks > > rk Church by the Rev RevU ReU u 1 Freeland Peter Pet r last evening The Thebrides Thebr1cJe Thebridesbrides br1cJe gown was of mouasellne de sole soleantiqued soleaptiqued I Iapttquedantiqued with lace lae over white wbtt India silk silkShe allklite silkSheShe carried a shower bow bouquet of Bride Brideroses BrIderows Briderosesroses Her I ier sister er Miss Clara Wheeler Wheelerwho Wheelerwho Wheelerwhowho acted aa maid of honor wore green greenmousseMne greenmoueselae eea eeaMmousseMne M de sole MI with a picture hat hator bator hatofor chiffon tltU Her flowers were pink PlnkTIM roses rosesThe roe roeTiceThe bent man was D Spencer Bliss BU and andthe andtJ andthethe tJ ushers were Breckinridge Bays BayneJohn BaT BaysJohn e eJohRJohn SothroB Leroy Thomas of Wiscon Wisconsin WlseonOtto Wisconsin sin Otto F Wleters of New York Ralph RalphHamilton RalphHamilton I IUamlltoaHamilton or Oswego X Y and Hugh HughM H HI HughMM I Hutting NutUn brother of the groom Mr Mrand Mrand II IIaD4and Mrs Nutting NutUD will live at 124 Bust BustCapitol JDutCa BeatCslalCa Capitol Itol Street StreetMies StreetXlee StreetMlesMies Maybelle MbeU Hermann tougher dugk 01 or of ofthe orUlec1MtoNr ofthethe Ulec1MtoNr Cemmteetoner of the Land Office 0 Owe ke and andHoward UdHIlWaid andHeardHoward Prescott Oatley aa OatIe were married marriedtest nurledlaet marriedlasttest night at the Church of the Asses Assesion Ascen Ascension A AIIIoa sion in Massachusetts Avenue AMR The Rev RevTaylor KeYTaJor RevTa4rTaylor Snyder officiated The chancel of ofthe orthe ofthethe church was wa decorated deeorate4 with palms palmsand pal paleter paintsandand clusters eter of Bride Bt1d roses The bride bridewore brkIeIIOIe brideworewore a gown 0W1I of renaissance reaaace lace trim trimmed trln trimmed imed with pearls Her veil fell from a acoronet acoronetI ICOlOlletcoronet of orange ora blossoms and lid she carried car carried carried ried a shower aJto r bouquet of white rose rosebuds rosehod I ITMbuds hod The ony osiy attendant was the ma matron matron D I Itrontron of honor Mrs In Thomas C Noyos Noyoswhose NOT NOTwlloM Noyeswhosewhose toilet was of white chiffon em embroidered embroldered I IbroWeredbroidered In pink roses ro Frederick C COConnell COCO11 COConnellOConnell acted aa beet man The ushers usherswere ueherawere hers herswerewere J Thtlman Thll Hendrick Jr Alexan Alexander Alexudel Alexander der G Bentley 01 Vtlmee I liae Donald McLeanEdward McLean McLeanBdvanl X XBdonrdEdward B Kimball KIMbaUMartJ KIMbaUMartJOe StmrtI t mrt J Mse and andOeorge nd ndGeorgeGeorge Oe r L Taylor jr of Boston a eons ee eeI eonsIn eoustntn I of the bride brideII Thomas Hagner paymaster pa U S A Aand AK Aandand Miss K Ray daughter of Mrs Xt8 Robert RobertRay AohertRay rt rtarRay ar were married n1ed in teui aa Diego Cal CaUyesterday Cal CalY Calyesterdayyesterday Y Mr Ir J JMtoa JIaper Ie a brother or ofMies i iXIMMtoa Isabel I Hagner H secretary to Mrs MrsRoosevelt Mr MrRoosevelt Ira IraROOMfeltRoosevelt RooseveltGeorge ROOMfeltGeorp RooseveltGeorgeGeorge H Xvttleton of the Sheffield SheffieldScientific I51teIcI8cJeatilc SheMeldScientdcScientific School Cbel and Del Miss Xu Mary Clark ClarkTreat ClarkTrust ITreat of 0 Bridgeport Br eport said Id to be therichest the tberichest thertebHtrichest young woman 110 in Connecticut COlUH Ctlcut In Inher In1ter Inherher own right were married yesterday yesterdayby Jesterc1a7aLUMaLUM at t i home d thbs T4 tby t tbTby the Rrr Ri v Charles Ray Palmer D D Dmember DMr Dmembermember Mr of the Yale Corporation assist assisted assintSd lit lite ed e by the Rev Anaon Phelps Stokes sec secretary Merftary secretary retary of the Yale Corporation Ml MlTreat Miss MissTreat U UTreatTreat was once oa mars son Alfred All Barnes Palmer who whostudent whodropped whodroppeddropped dead ot heart dIIIeMe whl while a aat astudentstudent at Yale Y The bride was attend attended attelU attelUed attended ed by II Mrs My Arthur X Foot of New NewYork NwYork NewYorkYork daughter of Dr Palmer The Thebride TINIe Timbridebride is said to be the largest Ja individual individualstockholder IIIdhiclualr Individualstockholderstockholder r In the u Bridgeport Jktd eport Water WaterCompany WaterCompany ateI ateIComCompany Com and her wealth has been esti estimated estimated 1 1MaW mated at about oat 1MMN 1MMNKarl 1 1Xarl 1000100KarlKarl Kaiser Ka chief supervising rvltac archi architect arclt1teet arebitmet tect for Mr McKhn fat the remodeling remodelingofof the White W1ttt House was married rrled in inGreenwich I IOrwicD InOreawiahGreenwich Conn CoD yesterday r to Miss MissAlice XIAAllee MissAllisAlice Holly Mr and Mrs Mr Kaiser will willsail willII willsailsail II for Burope early in January Mr MrKaiser MrKaiser 1 1KKaiser K purposes to visit Greece reeee and andKgypt ant antpe andBgyplKgypt pe where he will make a study 1 UId of oftbe ortile ofthetile classic architecture of these coon conntries cOllarIeL coontriestries triesGeorge triesGeorge rIeLorGeorge or H Setback s ek of Baltimore awl awlMary andMary JIll JIllIwMary Iw B Pays Pay will be marrfod a erried the lat letter latter Jatter ter part of Jaaaary at tao home of ofMiss eCM ofMissMiss M Payne Payaalavitatloas Playa PlayaIDT1taU Paynelnvitatlesmlavitatloas IDT1taU to io the marriage JDMTg of Miss MissMary 111 111Mary MissMaryMary Barber a aiosa of Mrs McKinley MeKlatcytoto Major Ralph Hartaeil oa Tuesday TaoadayDecember TuesdayDecember rda7DeceMberDecember M at Caatoa OMo have been beenreceived Hdrecetfld beenreceivedreceived bars The ceremony = 0117 will willa be bea beaa quiet Iet oneHftts HfttsTbe Net NetT NetTheThe T Misses x Tyler 17 aaughisrs dau Wrs af 0 Gel GelAugustus 0 0Tyler 01AnguatwAugustus Tyler are risking Mrs N S SLincoln ILhteoIR SLincolnLincoln LincolnTbe LhteoIRTINt LincolnTheTINt governor of Pennsylvania Pen and Mrs MrsStone Mrsson lrL lrLItoMStone on will give a reception reeep eR at Ute UteNUtIM ex eneeatlr executive ecutive mansion son at Harrisburg from f to toU11 oclock this tlal evening nla followed follow by a aWORK aWORK aWORKWORK BEGUN ON NEW NEWHOTEL NEWHOTEL j jHOTELHOTEL AT NORFOLK NORFOLKBigBig Structure en Site su of FireDoatreya FireDoatreyaAtlantic PirDreyAtJaDtie FireDestroyedAtlanticAtlantic te Cent e eHORPOLIC 3 5ee tc tcNORFOLK e eNORFOLKNORFOLK Va Dee laPrebt1aer7 laPrebt1aer7wor1t llw Preliminary Pnllnnerywork Preliminaryworkwork has begun 1 eP1I on Ute foundations fouD adolt of the thehotel tIteIIoWI thehotelhotel en the site of the old Atlantic AtlanticItIt will contain MO + to rooma and will willSIIe cost costUOeOOO costSasse9UOeOOO SIIe The building will be of brick brtekand bricku brickandu and steel construction with front of red redbrick redtaoed redbtiekbrick faced with white marble The TiMtJe TiMtJeIM style styleW1M stylewIKW1M IM be an adaptation ptadea of Italian I ITHuet1llN least Renaissance leastmace mace The THuet1llN structure will be seven or oreight ertIPt emelgkteight 1IMI1 stories la height the Wttllams WitlismeM Wttllamsayaaleau wm wmwillayaaleau eM will be the owner ownerLOAN ow owLOAN owners ownersLOANLOAN EXHIBITION EXHIBITIONAA loan I exhibition and sale Ie of fancy taaqllr taaqllrtiel ar articles artleles ticles tiel for the benefit of the mission missioneietles 1iO 1iOetetlel o oefeties Ieietles of the tb church was held beldda yester yesterday yesterday da day and today totla at the First PlrstUoMI Caagroga Caegregadenal CaagrogaUonalUonal Church Many unique UD and beau beautiful beautltul a atSNI tiful specimens peet by 11 various Indian tribes truessad tribesand tri triaMand one odd basket k et brought from France Franceare FraMeto Franceanare to be found in the collection while whileamong wblleIUHIIII whileamongamong the U articles ante for sale are baatoti bsshetiswere baatotiwoven bllllretwoweawoven by 1 t wsauu who have Ita learned the theart meMt theactart tram the u Indians t Whfl While W the Utets Us aMer e0ilertients tien Ie net lar largo It it very fiN hllr Interesting tttsgdunce oance in honor holt of their Utel daughter ter Miss MiesJean x xJ MissJeanJ Jean eaR Stone StoneMisses StoneI StoneKiesMisses Kies I Marie and Julia Kupper will be bethe bethe bethethe guests at Christmas C1tn of Miss JlO Virginia VirginiaAllen VIIIIhtIaAllo VirginiaAlleaAllen of South Third Street Richmond RichmondMiss Jttcb JttcbMI RichmondMissMiss MI Suisse Barksdale is visiting tItJn Mrs MrsMaaa MraR8 MrsMannMaaa > > R8 S Valentine of lIS 1S West Franklin FranklinStreet PraakUnkreet FranklinStreetStreet Richmond RichmondMlaa RichmondMissMiss 1 Mary Overtoa Haw of DundeeHanover Dundee DundeeHanover DtutcIeeHDOYerHanover county Virginia Vi Is I visiting her heraunt hert herauntaunt t Mrs Ballard at 1140 114 Connecticut ConnecticutAvenue Coa ConnecticutAvenue etictlt etictltAAvenue AvenueThe A AvenueThe TeD TeDTheThe Countess Co ZampiniSalaaar who whobaa whohas IIbobeenbaa been visiting TIhI at the Italian ItUa embassy embassyleft e eleft embassyleftleft for fl Boston this tit morning morningMiss JDOralqXta morningMissMiss Angelica Schuyler Crosby whose whoseengagement whoeepment whoseengagementengagement pment to John B Henderson Jr Jrhas JrIaaI Jrhaphas recently been announced has beenYlsiUng been beenvisiting beeniIUnlvisiting the parents of her lance former formerSenator formerSoeRator formerSenatorSenator and Mrs Henderson Later on onMiss onII onMissMiss II Crosby will visit till her cousin Mrs MrsVan MrlVan MrsVanVan Renssalear Berry The marriage marrla of ofMiss ofMia ofMissMiss Crosby aad Mr 1 Henderson willtake will willtake willtaketake place in February FebruaryMajor Jlebrual7Major FebruaryMajorMajor General and 1Id Mrs Mt8 Cents Cor have havegone havegonegone 80 to Cincinnati where w e a dinner will willbe willbe willbebe given in their honor by J O K Schmld Schmldlapa Sdtaddlapp ScimlidInpplapp lapaMrMr and Mrs Robert Burch who 11 have havebeen havebeen T Tbeenbeen pestlng their winters la Waaa Waaalagtoa W WInlte Wash Washingtonlagtoa Inlte for several yearn are pleasantly pleasantlylocated PJeuaU7Iocat pleasaetiylocatedlocated Iocat at tile the Corcoran CoreoraaThetr CorcoraaTheir CorcoranTheirTheir attractive homo la I Utica N Y YIs YI YIiIs I well w ll known to many IIIU of 0 their Wash Washington WdhlapOR Washington ington friends They will visit teSt the theSouth theIINth theSouthSouth belie returning returningCol rttturlacCol returalagColCol K Eo B Townsend Col ColUon Benjamin BenjaminHoltnaa BenjauimHolmanHoltnaa Cot Thomas C Her Rep Representative Res1eaeaaaU ReFreeeatativ resentative 1eaeaaaU Poarre Pearr of Maryland and andMlaa pdMI andMissMiss MI Pearre and Mrs Ira Robert RobertBurch K RobertBurch Hrt HrtBarebBurch of Utica N Y and eth ethers ot otera Mbera era were special ectal guests ta of the theTakoma UteTakOlD theTakomaTakoma Club and Library Labr at the recep reception reeepOR reception tion OR given ty Jut evening h1If in aonor to of orAshley ofAabIe1 ofAshleyAshley M Gould the newly 17 appointed appointedJustice appotaWliicr appointedJusticeJustice icr of the t Supreme Court of the tItetrtet Dis District DMtriet trict of Columbia ColumbiaSocial OahmblaSocial ColumbiaSocialSocial Doings in New Yerk YerkBourke YerkBotIrke YorkBoerkeBourke Cochran sailed lied yesterday 1 for forLiverpool forLlTWPOOI forLiverpoolLiverpool on the steamer Oceanic OceanicThe oteTN OceanicTbThe Tb art for this Uti season of the original originalCinderella erlsiaalCt4 mriglualCinderellaCt4 Cinderella rella cotillons will be given to tonight toAPt tonight night APt at Sherrys Alexander M MHaddea XIJMdea MIladdeaHaddea will be the loader loaderMrs 1MderIra lenderhissMrs Ira Astor Astor ator will give pT her tout slat large lrgedinner largedinner ltarpdbuterdinner of the ti winter tonight at her herv JawNo lamhomehome v No Wl Fifth Avenue AvenueMrs A AvenueMrs 1ft 1ftIMrs I Walden Polls dinner dance nt ntSherrys atSherrys t tSlterrTSherrys SlterrT for her daughter dauch Gertrude one oneof 0IIfIOC oneofof the debutantes of the season consti constituted eo eoblted eoaatltoted toted one ef 0 the features ftar of societys societysprogram tIOCtetysprofpa societysprogramprogram profpa for yesterday re terda Dinner Dlaa wan served serv served MrTIn ed in the banquet room at eight Ipt tabled tabledat tableat tablesatat each of which ten guests were seated seatedaad IteM IteMaad seatedandaad afterward some seventy more came camefor camefor camefafor the u cotillon c tm which was w led by b Alex Alexander AJexuder Alexander ander Haddea Ha dancing with Miss XI Pen Pelllabojwaa PenJW PNItdtplwpalabojwaa JW Jh dressed la I a frock of otrpe pale pal Uhwj Uhwjcrepe Is1Mr Is1MroFIcrepe oFI rpe to de clUao ebl1 trimmed with wniteteea wiltelacsAmong wniteteeaAmong 1 1oqAmong oq then uo present pre aat were Mine Alton Altonvelt AI AIRooeeYilIt AltaRooseveltRoosevelt velt Miss Georgette Collier Mia MiaJanet Miss Ita ItaJanetJanet Fish PI Miss Cynthia Roche and Miss MlscConstance Xa XaCoa MissConstanceConstance Coa taaee Livermore LlveroorwThe Lt LtTite LivermoreTheThe Countess Co de LauglerYlilan Lau IAttPer tcrYIUars Vlun will willopen willopea willopenopen a Christmas CbrIIIt bazaar 1 far the Nursing HurstngSisters NallJlqStetn NursingSistersSisters of the Assumptloa today at her herhomo herhome110 homo No fo m Fifth Avenue AvoauoTMss A AvenueSass y yItSass It Olive OIlY Schley mado her debut t yes yoatoraay yesterdey ee eettoraay t afternoon at a rooaptioa rUo which whichbar whichbet IIteJaherbar mother r Mrs n William WIt Sohtoy Ie IeCo gave gavefor gav gavforfor Co bar at their residence Wo to IS West Wsatmfty W WIf1ClYofiOOItd WestFiftyeceadmfty If1ClYofiOOItd oooad Strut StrostMrs stnetM StrutMrsMrs M De Zolaya wife of the President Presidentefof Nicaragua NIcar arrived arrl at New York on onthe ontM onthethe Vaderland from Antwerp Aittwer yesterdayAlfred yesterday reaUrtlayAlfred MtIa7 MtIa7Alfre4Alfred A Winslow United States consulat consul consulat coaswatat Ldeg Liege was also a a passsager paIN r on the theVaderlaad tbeYaclerlad theYaderlandVaderlaadBaltimore Gossip GossipA GON p pAA Christmas ball In honor of their theirdebutante thert theirdebutantedebutante t daughter Miss n Margarita Van VaaNea V VM VanNessNea M Ness Butby was given last night by byMr b7II byMrMr II aDd Mrs In Samuel 1 Stockton Busby to tothe totlte tothethe younger folk in Baltimores fash fashionable fhoubM fashionable ionable set The entertainment was heldat held heldat heldatat the Arundell ArvD ell Clubhouse ills 1 North NorthCharles NorthCbarIea NorthCharlesCharles Street StreetMr ItTletlr tvset tvsetMrMr lr aad Mrs Busby and Minx M Buxby Buxbywelcomed Bub BubICOIDed Busbywelcomedwelcomed ICOIDed their guests In I an alcove l CoYe of ofpalms ofpal ofpalmspalms pal The hostess wore an i n exquisite exquisitegown exquisitegown squiait squiait1OW8gown of 0 white Cbaatllly C MltlJiy lace with Jew Jeweled jewfiled Jeweled eled rhinestone aCect over white satin satinMlaa satinMiss Ua UaMMiss M Buxbys 1Jub frock was w of white wblt tulle tullepaitlettod tullepalUeU tullepailiettedpaitlettod palUeU with silver sequins Mq1II over overwhite onrbite overwhitewhite bite silk The music e was of an ex exceptionally exeeptioaaUy axceptlonnliy ceptionally flue character and supper sapperwar supperwas apperMedwas served Med at small 11 table hlea at midnight midnightA a 4ilht 4ilhtAA small 11 dinner will be given on Toes Tueaday TIIe TIIeda Toesdayda day evening DIf December 30 by Mr anti aadMrs a antiMrs cI cIMrsMrs Thomas Wbitrtdge at their restHORTICULTURISTS rest restHORTICULTURISTS reatHORTICULTURISTSHORTICULTURISTS HORTICULTURISTSGOGO TO BALTIMORE BALTIMOREInteresting BALTIMOREIltterMtlac BALTIMOREIMsretingInteresting Session T To Be B H neW W la That ThatCity ThatCity ThatcityCity T Today ay and Tsaenew TtmerrwII A number 1 of horticulturists of ofWashington otI ofWashingtonI Washington w went to Baltimore this tolamorning tbl thismorningmorning 1 to attend the tfth annual anDulnK meet meetIng meetluglug nK of the Maryland State taw Horticultural HorticulturalSociety lIorUculturaiSociety HorticulturalSocietySociety to I be held In J that city ltr today todayaad tocla7aD4 todayandand tomorrow It la expected that this thiswill till tillwilt thinwillwill be b the u moat successful I meeting HCJac of ofthe orthe ofthethe organisation sad ad that a number ber of ofproblems ofINO ofprobiemiproblems INO Jeaa which have Ita presented themselves them themselves tbemIT selves IT to be solved ItICJ will be acted upon uponby uponbyby 1 > > 7 the society societyA letl letlAA large and varied collection of fruits rruitafIOID fruitsfromfrom the tiereat II sections Ctton oC tM AtA AtAeC Stale StaleSceC Maryland will be displayed at the theu themeetingsmeetings u Collections Collect of beetles 1HHtu and d the thevarious theYarl thevariousvarious Yarl insects which are harmful to tofruit tofrlt tofruitfruit trees and d those which are litre1daJ re bone beaoacJal boneSelalacJal will also al be show showLOCAL shown shownLOCAL ho hoLOCALLOCAL MENTIONMean MENTION MENTIONtMean t r to MU at t f Mri d 4 J stew ttmer T 5awliaea 31 Pose Poseest Ass AssTres J Fe FeTTres T TWa 9P naass J J J y OoeUMiss Louise oztzse McVaugh 11c 1 c Vaugh au t Parker Pa1 la61 aue aueresciitcztzoe and Rep Representative Re Reresc1ttative resentative Edmond EdJn01Z1 Spencer S e1tC81 Blackburn BlackburnMarried lizckbu11Z lizckbu11ZM ac zzr a aMarriedMarried M a1 Married rled at Noon 1 ooiz Today TodaytH Bee e 14 West Madison 1Iad Street la honor honorf 1toDoror honorofor f Miss Alice AI Lee Thomas THill owe of the theeasoas tJteMRa theseasonsseasons MRa debutantes debutantesMra deIMItA deIMItAXra debutantesMrsMrs John Jo R Leng gave a girls lunch lwchees luncheon llIIICIteoReon yesterday at the Severn in inMiss I bosom of of1II1a ofMissMiss Jean Harvey The guests Include laeludtia IIIeIuIk1daa number of C the debutantes tIeta of 0 the pres present pr preAt present eAt ent winter winterG winterGay IItnt IItntGayG Gay 7 World ia Philadelphia PhilanelphiaMrs P Uaphia UaphiaIMrs I Wifli William wn m Dtsston Dls ton of Chestnut Hill HIHgave HillAve Hillgavegave Ave a luncheon followed by 11 a card cardparty ca capart7 cardpartyparty at the St James Jam Hotel yesterday yesterdayAmong yesterdayAmong eteniaY eteniaYAlnoDlfAmong Mrs Disstons guests were er MrsR Mrs MrsW MnWW R Hinkle Hlncki Hlack Smith SIDIt Miss il Gertrude Vaa VaaPelt VaaPelt VanPeltPelt Mrs Ira R JL Kmmott JllD IOtt Hare Mrs 1110 1110dr8W An Andrew Jtndrew drew Stevenson 8 a Miss XI Dunlop Mrs D DWebster DWebeter DWebsterWebster Dougherty Mrs In Edward lid K KSparks XSparu KSparksSparks and Mrs Ira Sidney Skla Mason Ma Thedecorations The Thedecorations Tlteeoratlodecorations eoratlo were red polaaettlas polaaettlasTbe polllMUiaaTh poinsettiaTheThe Rev and Mrs In Louis Lou F Benson Bensonef BetuIoIIof Bensonofof 1XM Chestnut Street will ut give a din alnand dinner dinnerner th this evening In honor et c ldadralaDd ldadral tdtnlralandand Mrs Ira Van Reypen Rer of orTIM Washington WashingtonTheThe class cI W University of Pan Pennsylva Pennsylvania PeDDQlyawill ylya ylyasin sin will hold its sophomore dance on onFriday oalIrtcla7 onFridayFriday evening December Dece IS at 33fl 231oclock 33floclock 130ocloekoclock la Houston Hall HallMr nanMr hailMrMr and Mrs 111I William Will law Pieces 1 Deae Deaegre DelleFe Denoareare gave a dance ce at lb the Oarmanuwn OarmanuwnCricket tier IeratowaCricket nramtown nramtownCricketCricket Club Maaheim lilt evening g for tortheir fo fotlteir fortheirtheir daughter Miss MJ Maria Ma Leniae L Deno DenoThe D Dee Deegre e egrgr greThe fourth annual Bachelors DaCI elerV Ball was wasgiven wugt wasgivengiven gt last evening e la the foyer 10 of nor Horticultural BorttealtuI norticulturel ticultural Ball This Is f ODe of l the select selectfunctions selectfunctions Iect Iectfunetfoasfunctions of the winter la Hebrew so society 80eaetT soelety ciety and as In former years ear many of ofthe oft ofthethe t Jewish Jewl debutantes debuta made their formal formalentrance torJDaltraee formalentranceentrance traee to society societyAH 8OCIet 8OCIetAU societyAllAH of the boxes were 1 ailed at the tbeopera t1tera theoperaopera ra on Taesnay meson night aad many IQ parties par parties paru u ties preceded by b cun dinners or foiisa followed ad by bysuppers byppen bysupperssuppers ppen at the Bellevue BelhPJuIIen Flanders and andSt aMSt andStSt James J were given gay by b th the her holders bailersMrs holdersMrs Wen WenXMrs X John Thompson Spencer occupied occupiedMrs ooeapIedXn occupiedMrsMrs Edward llclwanli S Willing1 Illlage box Mrs Wtfl Wtfltog WJlrlag 111 111Ingtog being betaglfl III and had ad as her guests Mia MiaRita X XKlta bitsRitaRita Carson Miss > > ta Bather laer Harrison arrleoll Miss MissDeborah MimiDeborah It ItDeborahDeborah Brock Benjamin Chow Harry HarryM Barr BarrK MarryhiM Hart Arthur Spencer and Willing WillingP WUUqPeacer WillingPzencerP Peacer PeacerWith PzencerWith encer encerWithWith Mrs George W Child CW Drexel nrtxelI DrexelLANSBURGHI LANSBURGH BROBamboo Stools and Tabourettes25c Tabourettes Tabourettes25c Taboarett Taboarett25c25c to SI S 165 65 Each EachBamboo EachIhuDMo EachBambooBamboo Tables Tables98c Tables98c Tables98c98c to 450 Each EachBamboo EachDaJllboe EachBerniceBamboo Cabinets5298 298 to o 5600 600 Each EachMens EachMens EachMensMens Silk SilkMens H HMcna tIXeaMcna Xea White Silk Handkerchiefs Handkereblefinitial Ilandkerehtefeinitial I Iinitialinitial or plain pial full site Iae sell sellregularly n > p pMans >regularly for 35c Holiday Holidayprice 25C 25Ceprice priceMens eMans M White Silk Initial Handker Handkerchiefs nandkorcAlm hlandkorehiefs chiefs heavy quality all ini Iaitlals r A T THolidaytlal tlals kind that soil 11 for mc 75cIioidey mcoHday 50 CHoliday oHday prko JNieeIIS DriceMens v vMensMens IIS Heavy H Japaaeee Bilk Initial InitialHandkerchiefs Iuttia1lIaDdkerchltra InitialhlandkerchlefsHandkerchiefs largarra largarrasize 1 a r It 8 esizesize be regular selling price pm V 1 I g 0 Eg 0 I IHoliday116 Holiday pries priceDolls 4 s sDolls vl vlDollsDolls DollsJointed DollsJoiaLetl DollsJointedJointed and Kid Dolls DoU patty prottydarkeyed PNttJdarkeyed pattydarkeyeddarkeyed aarli aarliwith darlings some somewith 11M 11MWIthwith light complexion complexionSkirts complexionmany >many = stoeMsgs rID bars shoes and andstoeMsgs 2 5cSkirts SkirtsChlWrena SkirtsChll SkirtsChlklreaaChlWrena Chll rsR1 and Misses Knit KnitSkirts 50CSkirts all sizes tHe pure wool oolia her box 1 x wor were we Mr and Mrs Jobs J a aAadorsoB C CAadenoD CAndersonAnderson sad Uvtagstoa Ltri I L BMdle BMdleMra BiddieIn 1314d1MrsMrs In MackaySatlth the u wife of c the thebishop tltebIabop thebishopbishop coadjutor aDd Miss X Smith tth were werethe weretile werethethe guests of Miss 111 Susan Stevenson StevensonMr BteveallORMr StevensonMrMr and Mrs Ira Rodman K Orlscom Mr Mrand MrDDd Mrandand Mrs Samuel Bottle Hon Rhoaa RhoaaHaabaryTracy RhollaHMbarJTraq RhonaHlHl HaabaryTracy of bland aad XI 111Prances Miss MissFrances XI1PraIICeaFrances C Orlacom 0rIee0 occupied the Orlscom Orlscombox GrI Grleaomhers mboxHoliday Bamboo NoveltiesCC CCMOTHER II 0 I I IIt MOTHER GOOSE SUGAR LOAF RHYMES RHYMESBlow i it iSoBlow wind blow blowi blowAnd +ti And go mill go goi iIi 7 So the miller may grind grindhis grindhishis wheat wheatv wheatThat In v I ff That the baker may maytake mayiri take it itJnto 4 4IntoInto SUGAR LOAF LOAFmake LOAFI iI make it itSo itSo +So well all have fine finebread t tBoston1 +bread to eat eatBoston +1 1 Boston Baking Co CoOpposite t tOppositeto +Opposite U S Capitol CapitolWASHINGTON CapitolvASHINGTON CapitolWASHINGTON ++WASHINGTON D C +41 1aa 1 14ff4ffYJ YJII0 0II TIte moat delightful lselection ot Morris MorrisChain MorrisChairs 5 25 t tselection1 Chain la town from I UP UPSTUMPH ry1 STUMPH STUMPHLYfORD LYfORD t631 to 639 Mass Ave AveI AyeJostI y Jist Arend the t e CBrfi CsrREr CsrREry r rFrllllFrllll m SI StI Sta StaIaa +I XMAS BULLETINThis Store Will Be Open Evenings Till Christmas ChristmasVeartWfcslry ChristmasI ChristmasAInc c A Suggestive List of Holiday HolidayCoods goodsWe goodsVeartWfcslry VeartWfcslryengrave e We stamp allemRrwrlrre all allLeather I IeDmeaH till sttverware Leather Goods GoodsWe GoodsyemRrwrlrre emRrwrlrretBtC engrave tBtC We W e could cou 1 Q fill this th IS page with w i yh n information InJorma ti on con concerning conre verware y re rwarL We WeMittabtr K + t We fey fa aside asidepurchases atlidtwe IIdt IIdtwitwit Mittabtr box all N NtifttrildtSfMC corning our splendid stock of Holiday Holid Y Goods and anddo 1 1gift purchases kn2a to tube be bedelivered beCifhrildtsfNltifttrildtSfMC gift artickitses do scant justice at that These representative representativeitems tics delivered ai when whenrequested whenof hen henofof cam items will convey an idea what we are doing at atthis requested reqMeJtedJ requestedthisJ this busy store I III IGIFTS IN LEATHER10ft 1 Childrens Combination Pock Poeketbooks P Pocketbooks ek ekfttltoobetbooks in J genuine morocco mo eo leather leatherred leatla leatherred r rblured blue blu lavender brown brownand fTr fTrandand other colors sterlingsliver sterling srltn srltnslher 2 5C fei feisliversliver mounting JItOU Plain only LJ LJ16M16M Ladles Ladl Combination Pocket Pocketbooks Pocketbou Pocketbooksbooks both plain plai and mount mou t r ral ed square and aa tone olllr shapes shapeswell bapeewen 2 5C L Lwellwell made Special price t J J1MM1MM Ladies Combination Pocket Pocketbooks Pocketboob Pocketbookbooks book in genuine seal 1 walrus and andmorocco aDdmoroee andmoroccomorocco leather plain or ormounted pf pfmountedmounted Usually priced at at7k 50C KI KISpecial7k Special y = price price20M r rI20M I Sterna Sterling Sllvermountod Pock Pocketbooks PocketboolUl Pocketbooksetbooks ia genuine seal walrus walrusgrain walrtNJIJAln walrusgraingrain aDd 1 afcligator illgator in all allthe antM allthethe moat desirable new colors col colclalors 0 Welt Worth 11 150 SIIt SIItclal Special 98Cclal price pcl vMM 1 Wrist Bap in brack and aadcolored ude andcolorede colored JorH leathers leather lined with withgilt wltkIt withgritgilt It oxidized aDd nickel trim trimmings trl trimmings mings snakehead fasteners fastenersRegular AT ATRegular= Regular price value Tfic k Special Specialprice 50C 50CSOO h Jv JvMO i SL SLpriceMO Wrist Wrist Bags Ba assorted rted leathers leathersgun leathersgun tlMKa tlMKasangun metal tal and gilt tit trimmings trS uDl with withpartment wWaInatcJe withInsideInside compartment partment Sold Soldprice Soldthethe world I over at 1 Special Specialprice 75C 75Ccprice price c aJ aJfine100 fine Wrist Bags extra blah nnlahimported blahIported Snubimportedimported mountings leatherlined leatherlinedthroughout leatherJiDedthrouabout leatherlinedthroughoutthroughout all the U newrt new newgrays AQ AQgraysgrays 11 and tana Some SoDHIworth Someworth > 1 I 98 3X 3XTporthworth J SL I Special price priceMe P > vU vUJ40J40 very fine walrus and morocco moroccoWrist JDOroceo1rIet moroccoWristWrist Bags Bag with gilt and gun metal metaltrimmings metaltrhDmiDp metaltrimmingstrimmings Worth from45 450 to HOO Special Specialprice Specialprice I I 48price rBamboo Corner Shelves Shelves69c Sbeln69c Shelves69c69c to 5325 325 Each EachBamboo EachBamboo EachBambooBamboo Book Shelves Shelves75c Shelves75c IIelY IIelY75c75c to 8375 375 Each EachBamboo EachBamboo EachBambooBamboo Fancy Chairs150 to S375 375 Each Eachndkerchiefs EachIndkerchiefs Eachnndkerchiefs ndkerchiefsMens n erc ercs s e s sMensMens XeD Colored Silk Muf Mufflers Mufstar =flers 6 star latest designs and col colMens colorings Iorings 76e quality It ItleD Holiday Holidayprice 50Cprice priceMensMens leD Black White and FancyBrocaded Silk Mutters Mumerskind A Akind you paT 125 tori for roretsewbere forelsewbere 1 00 U Uelsewhereelsewhere Holiday price V I oMrss o aM UU UUMensMens M I Heavy Brocaded Silk Black Blackand BlackIUtel Blacksaidand White Mufflers beautiful beau beautiful beautiful tiful quality and designs designsactual T rh f m mactualw n npriceactual I worth 3 Holiday Holidayprice 2 25price e eDollsDolls DollsJolatod DollsJobed DollsJointedJointed and Kid Bolls with shoesand shoes shoesand abeesandand stocking tock Those Dolls Don Dollswill M rC rCwillwill go to sleep Our T5cXL T5cXLvalue 75c 75crelic 48 C C1evalue 1e to O go 0 at TL TLWrappersWrappers WrappersOfOf PtanaelotU end Percale Porcaloall 98C 98Callall sizes sb Our 141 14 value atI LANSBURGH BRO i t itSilks Silksi Silks2lashSSlaoh i Black aok Peso as de 9aioLM 9aioLMJ7laeh SItIeUIIiillela 941113rlnehJ7laeh Black Pear lie as Sate SteL00 SteL00Strictly 161 161atrtetly 1 1rleclyStrictly rlecly pure pw Silk wwraatad to togfvo tetWactloa togivegive satiafactloa a UM 1JI vattta vatttaAIMVool valesAllWool D DAllAIMVool All V 001 Cheviot CheviotMeMe Allwool Cheviot at atItIt 2 Inches wide In various varhHMcolors firlolNcolon variouscolorscolors We W have only a Hat 11 si siBlackprice 11 ed number of C pieces I IBlnck at tide tideprice 39CBlack French Serge SergeAll IAll wool smooth Slll ot1t finish suitable suitablefor suitablefar taltle taltleforfor bourn gown 8I WJ1 a regular 40e 40eraise f ff ffpar >c cr cBlackraise gs Inches Friday at atper 28par r yardBlack Cheviot CheviotAllAll wool w wed sponged and shrunk good goodwolgat ICHHItor goodweightweight for unlined skirt klrt our ourt Q AT ATport va4eIO inches wide at atpet 80C 80CEnglishpet yard yardEnglish yardEnglishEnglish Worsted Cloth ClothKK Inches Rc wide in navy blue and aadMaok andblackblack heavy and dust re resitiag T t t f fFancysitiag our L11 value valueat 119 119FancYat e 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St 417 to 425 Eighth St StJJ1r + s + + 4 + N + + aeC e C CPETERPETER GROGAN GROGANCradtt GROGANPieces Gi30GANCreditCredit for aU Washington WaBhlogtoai WashingtonBeautifulBeautiful BeautifulPiecesa Pieces Piecesa Piecesof of ofFurniture i iFurnitureFurnituret Furniture I IMaket e Make the e Best BestI e ejXmasI It jXmas Xmas Gifts I +tI 1 It t ti ei i itt ii t Gives Ives You anI an anUnrestricted anUnrestrictedI Unrestricted Choice Choiceoff of o Hundreds off of ofArticles o oArticlesSuitable tf Articles ArticlesSuitable Suitable for forI or ori orriiI Ch Christmas ri t inns S Gifts GiftsMake Giftsfake IMake your selections now be before bet before t fore the final rush rU begins Ar Articles ArtJcJ Artides tides tJcJ will be laid aside and de delivered delIy68cl delivered +livered when hea wanted Beautiful BeautifulParlor BeautifulParlorParlor Lamps Shaving Stands StandsSideboarda Standst t TSideboardst Sideboards Chiffoniers 18 Rockers RockersMorris Rock RockersMorris era eraII Morris Chairs Chat Parlor and Music MusicCabinets YustcCabetJI MusicCabinetsCabinets are uere here in great va variety v vrletend varietyand riety rletend and on easy weekly i imonthly or orW orPETER ormonthlymonthly W paymentsPETER EETEll GROGAN 0 +817819821823 817819821523SEVENTH 817819821823SEVENTH11SEVENTH ST N W WBotweon WBetween v vBomBeDBomBeD H and I St St3 St3II = u uHEATiNGa0 t 4 II IIHEATING S C C C 1 1HEATINGHEATiNG THE HOUSE HOUSEATAT LITTLE COST COSTDollar COSTDoDan COSTDollarsDollar are too hard to eras to spend ipmdAS ipfndu spendthenu then baiIIg coal wIleD a aGAS aASGAS AS HEATER HEATEDwillwill do practically the mae e work at the tnsDalI thewoell ia iaNoallNoall DalI expose e of a few r note ta a day and andthetcs andtIaftel andtheresthetcs no dlllt dv dirt nor Mite We hav havGAS hart bII8toek hartaa ocspleta stock 01 Cis a Heaen IfeetcraGAS HeaenGASGAS APPLIANCE EXCHANGE EXCHANGEI42 New York Ave AvedcCU AveI AvedeeIdcCU dcCUDroops dee tf tfI tfDroopIDroops Droop s Xmas Special SpecialAA J complete rolIn collection tion of tile foOowiag fctD wbI nudes naaie naaieMISTER mUlieSTER7 MISTER STER DOOLEY DOOUEYwr DOOLEYN DooLLYKuwr VAX T 4h N WIWELEJLNNRE wnnrut wnnrutJEXXIE wnnnaJEJEXXIE JE N1E LEE LEEJOSEPHINE LEEJ LEEJoepxtxJOSEPHINE J PHI > E JIT JOB JOBCHINESE JOKCBntE1Q JoECHINESECHINESE HOXETJIOOS HOXETJIOOSXKAT 1I0EnI 1I0EnIMId IIOIIRTMOOXAnd > >MId m ether 1cm popular 1IIIect 1IIIectUT selection tehrdiag A AXZATXKAT UT MUSIC 11 S1C ROLL ROLLOCX ROLLOCR ROLLOCROCR PlUCK COXFURK COXFURKE COMPLl13W65c650 650EE F Droop Sons 925 Pa PaAve PaAvedeHl Ave AveTEETH AvedeideHl dei tdTEETH TEETHHIGHCLASS deHlTEETH TEETHMODERNHIGHCLASS HIGHCLASSMODERN HIGHCLASSMODERNMODERN DENTISTRY DENTISTRYAHtadSy lidDed operators la sari Mh depertment saaartBunt t is isprivate SIIat iewhatwhat at ft odor yon at siaoet 111 If you P1 in inprint inpriestprivate dental eDtal oOces mete CU1 nil ad rnaanlt at a that thatwe thatp thatwewe may explain p = oar ianvoTMl teethed 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i 1 A Haneotk a11UU4 a11UU4py py k Go COI of I Id4YitMom MN rAt A AVL 1KI

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